Rep. Ron Kind Statement on IRS Hearings


By: Ron Kind
By: Ron Kind
Date: May 17, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Ron Kind (D-WI) made the following statement today following his questioning of the former Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller at today's Ways and Means Committee hearing:

"It's critical that an agency like the IRS conducts itself in a manner that is beyond reproach. Americans should be able to have confidence that the workers charged with managing their tax dollars are conducting themselves without a hint of bias, partisanship, or animosity towards any individual or any organization.

"In my questions to former Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller, I raised the issue of further steps that IRS should take to improve accountability beyond his resignation. I also suggested that Congress should be available to assist the IRS in making the needed changes to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.

"The IRS needs to restore trust with the American people. It needs to determine exactly what happened in this particular case so that any mismanagement, incompetence or misapplication of the law can be corrected. It's important, however, to avoid casting blame on the entire agency, since the evidence shows that only a small number of employees were at fault and that there is no indication of engagement in creating the questionable criteria by IRS executives oranyone in the executive branch."
