Barton on Abortionist Murder Trial: "This case proves just how brutal abortion is"


Date: May 20, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Joe Barton released the following statement after a Pennsylvania jury convicted abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell of murdering three babies who were born alive:

"The details that emerged during the Kermit Gosnell trial were horrific and I am glad the justice system worked in this case. It won't bring back the babies he murdered, but hopefully it will bring their families some peace. Despite claims from those who call it a choice, this case proves just how brutal abortion is."

"I am pro-life because I believe that all life is precious and should be respected and I back that up with my vote. As a lawmaker, I believe I have a constitutional and moral obligation to protect those who do not have the power to protect themselves. I will continue to fight in Congress for the unborn."
