Repeal of Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

Floor Speech

Date: May 16, 2013
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HUDSON. Now, I don't have much in common with the leadership in the Senate, but today I stand in agreement with Senator Max Baucus, who characterized the implementation of ObamaCare as a ``train wreck.''

Disasters occur when the government oversteps its bounds. We've seen it with ObamaCare, as it is the most egregious example. We've also seen this week what happens when Federal agencies target people for their political beliefs, and we've seen the same kind of overreach with violations of the First Amendment rights of reporters and journalists and in the failure to answer questions about the origins of the terrorist attack in Benghazi.

Legislatively, ObamaCare is the most egregious example of government overreach we have ever seen, and a disaster, ladies and gentlemen, is ensuing. Hardworking Americans are losing their jobs, families are paying more in taxes, and seniors are losing much-needed Medicare coverage--and this bill hasn't even been fully implemented yet.

Health care has always been and should always be a relationship between a patient and a doctor of one's choice, not a government mandate to be managed by faceless bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. The Federal Government has no authority to be the manager of the physical well-being of every American. I support its full repeal.

