Fortenberry Cosponsors Legislation to Penalize Discrimination at IRS

Press Release

Date: May 14, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Jeff Fortenberry (R-NE) today cosponsored the Taxpayer Nondiscrimination and Protection Act (H.R. 1950), which will criminalize actions of Internal Revenue Service (IRS) employees who undertake targeted discrimination of certain groups based on their belief systems.

"Of all agencies, the IRS must be committed to fairness and impartiality," Fortenberry said. "It is unconscionable that the agency targeted citizens because of their political or religious beliefs. The reported actions seriously undermine the foundation of trust necessary between citizens and their government. This bill puts meaningful penalties in place when that trust is violated."

The Taxpayer Nondiscrimination and Protection Act of 2013 will allow the federal government to impose fines and imprisonment on IRS employees who break the law by targeting individuals or groups for audits and investigation for reasons other than a legitimate tax-related purpose.

Fortenberry is a member of the House Appropriations Committee. He serves on subcommittees on Agriculture, Legislative Branch, and Military Construction and Veterans Affairs.
