Protect Your Right to Refuse

Floor Speech

Date: April 26, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. PALAZZO. Mr. Speaker, 8 months from now, the Affordable Care Act's individual mandate will begin to punish Americans with a tax simply because they refuse to purchase health care. The mandate sets a dangerous new precedent.

If Congress has the power to tax our decision to not purchase health insurance, what else can a future Congress tax?

The Supreme Court has opened Pandora's box and has allowed future Congresses to tax Americans for failing to purchase any number of conceivable goods or services--basically, whatever Congress deems necessary.

That's why I introduced House Joint Resolution 28, the Right to Refuse Amendment, which would effectively reverse the mandate taxes and permanently prevent Congress from forcing Americans to choose between a purchase and a tax. The amendment is short and simple: Congress shall make no law that imposes a tax on a failure to purchase goods or services.

If my colleagues believe the Court got it wrong and if they believe in limited government, then I urge my colleagues to cosponsor House Joint Resolution 28.
