Terrorism in Boston

Floor Speech

Date: April 16, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. WALDEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today on behalf of the people of Oregon's Second District to offer my deepest sympathies to the families and the victims of this senseless act of terrorism in Boston.

Scripture tells us: blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. Our prayers go to those who lost loved ones and to the injured as they recover so that they may be comforted.

Our thanks go to the first responders and Good Samaritans who selflessly assisted the victims yesterday. That's what Americans do; they help their fellow men and women in time of need. That's a common bond that unites us.

Boston is the birthplace of the American Revolution, the cradle of liberty for our Nation. That spirit of freedom and brotherhood lives on in us as Americans and brings us closer together in our grief. As Americans, we will care for the victims and their families; we will ensure that justice is done for those behind these cowardly attacks; and we will emerge as a Nation, stronger than ever before.
