Tragedy in Boston

Floor Speech

Date: April 16, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. JOHNSON of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, we saw yet another sickening act of terror yesterday in Boston. It was a grim reminder that there is evil in the world. There are those with dark hearts and twisted ideologies bent on killing Americans because of who we are and the values we hold dear.

Early reports indicate the bombs were packed with metal ball bearings to inflict maximum carnage on the innocent. One of the innocent was an 8-year-old boy found dead among the smoke, confusion, and blood. Eight years old.

As we track down the killer or killers, let us pray for the victims and their families, and let us resolve to never take the freedoms we enjoy as Americans for granted, never take the service of those who protect our freedoms for granted, never forget those who've made the ultimate sacrifice, and never underestimate the lengths to which America's enemies will go to do us harm.

But, Mr. Speaker, our enemies should never, ever underestimate America's resolve to hold accountable those responsible for this deadly attack.
