U.S. Congressman Gary Peters Votes to Pass the Fully Inclusive Violence Against Women Act

Press Release

Date: Feb. 28, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Today U.S. Congressman Gary Peters voted to pass the fully inclusive, bipartisan version of the Violence Against Women Act. For more than two months, House Republican Leaders have blocked a vote on this important law to fund domestic abuse shelters and proven programs to prevent violence against women. Initially passed in 1994, the Violence Against Women Act has always enjoyed strong bipartisan support until the Republican Majority in the House refused to allow a reauthorization vote at the end of 2012, rendering this important law expired for the first two months of 2013.

"After two months of pressuring House Republicans to end their obstruction and allow a vote on the Violence Against Women Act, today marks an important victory in the effort to end domestic abuse," said U.S. Congressman Gary Peters. "Funding domestic abuse shelters should never be a partisan issue that's why, like most Michiganders, I was shocked when Tea Party Republicans turned their backs on abuse victims by allowing this important law to expire last year. By passing the fully inclusive version of the Violence Against Women Act, we are sending a clear message that no matter who you are or where you're from, America believes in doing everything we can to protect victims from their abusers."

Today's vote followed a GOP attempt to pass a less inclusive version of the Violence Against Women Act. The Republicans version, which failed by a vote of 166 to 257 would have denied support to LGBT and immigrant women while limiting support to Native American women. After intense pressure from every corner of our nation, Republican leaders finally caved and allowed a vote on the fully inclusive Senate version of the Violence Against Women Act, which passed by a vote of 286 to 138. On February 12th in the Senate, the fully inclusive version of the bill passed by a bipartisan vote of 78 to 22 with the support of all 20 female senators.

VAWA has improved the criminal justice system's ability to keep victims safe and hold perpetrators accountable. As a result of this historic legislation, every state has enacted laws making stalking a crime and strengthened criminal rape statutes. The annual incidence of domestic violence has dropped more than 50% since VAWA became law.


The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA Reauthorization) significantly strengthens the ability of the Federal Government, the States, law enforcement, and service providers to combat domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking. Key benefits include:

Renews Successful Programs - This bill reauthorizes important programs - including STOP Grants, Grants to Encourage Arrest Policies and Enforcement of Protection Orders Program, Transitional Housing Assistance Grants, legal assistance for victims, and youth prevention programs - that have helped law enforcement keep victims safe and hold perpetrators accountable.

Consolidation - VAWA Reauthorization consolidates 13 existing programs into four to reduce administrative costs and avoid duplication.

Reduced Authorization - This legislation reduces authorizations by 17 percent from the 2005 reauthorization. It reduces or keeps even the authorization for every VAWA program, eliminates or consolidates several, and adds only one small new grant program.

Accountability - VAWA Reauthorization incorporates new accountability provisions, including strict new audit requirements, enforcement mechanisms, restrictions on grantees' executive compensation and investments and their administrative costs - all aimed to ensure that VAWA funds are used wisely and efficiently.
