Wenstrup Comments on VAWA Vote

Representative Brad Wenstrup released the following statement regarding his vote on the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA):

"Reducing domestic violence is a noble cause and one I wholeheartedly support. As a husband, son and uncle, I understand we have a duty as a society to ensure that our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters are safe from violence and harm.

I support many elements of the Violence Against Women Act, including programs to protect victims of domestic abuse, sexual assault and stalking, support for victims seeking justice, and education programs designed to prevent domestic violence in the future. I also support ensuring that victims have access to needed resources during the difficult healing process.

I supported the House version reauthorizing the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA), because I believe it was the better bill. It reduces duplicative programs, increases financial accountability for groups that receive grants, and better coordinates federal, state, and local efforts to guarantee that taxpayer money is spent efficiently. Simply put, the House bill would ensure that every dollar is maximized in the protection of women.

I could not support the Senate version of VAWA, because I do not believe it contained appropriate language to ensure that federal grant dollars are used effectively and equitably to combat domestic violence. As we face record deficit levels, it is vital that every dollar spent, especially for programs that help our most vulnerable, is allocated in a responsible, transparent and effective manner."
