Smith: New Gasoline Regulations Costly to American Families, Lack Scientific Justification


Date: March 29, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

Science, Space, and Technology Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas) today released the following statement after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) released a controversial proposed rule requiring major cuts to sulfur in gasoline, commonly referred to "Tier 3" regulations.

Chairman Smith: "The EPA is the federal government's worst offender when it comes to overreaching regulations that hurt American consumers. EPA's Tier 3 gasoline regulations could cause refinery closures and increase gasoline prices on hard-working Americans. I am also troubled that the EPA ignored the law and is several years late in releasing a mandatory study to examine potential adverse air quality impacts of renewable fuels and determine if the rule is even necessary.

"I share the concerns expressed by Senate Democrats that EPA has not provided clear scientific justification that Tier 3 regulations are necessary or will benefit public health. Despite knowing the potential adverse effects these regulations could have on the economy, the EPA continues to press forward with its activist agenda. The Obama administration must consider the negative economic consequences before moving forward. The Science Committee will closely review the science behind this rule."
