Reed Questions $650,000 Project to Rebuild Unused Ohio Bridge

Press Release

Rep. Tom Reed continues his initiative to highlight waste of taxpayer dollars, adding to the list a grant from the Department of Transportation to rebuild a bridge in Xenia, Ohio that is unconnected to any road, highway or walk path.

"When towns in every county in every state need infrastructure improvements and updates, it's frustrating to see half a million dollars being spent on a bridge that serves no clear transportation purpose," said Rep. Reed. "It's an insult to taxpayers."

The total cost of the project to restore the Stevenson Road Covered Bridge is $650,000 - $520,000 from the federal government and $130,000 in local funds from Greene County. Ironically, the old bridge's modern replacement was built in 2003 for $650,000 and was constructed to improve traffic and access to the area for emergency vehicles.

"Ten years ago a sound decision was made to replace an old and outdated bridge with a modern one that better serves the transportation needs of the area," continued Reed. "Today, the federal government is spending $520,000 to rehab a surplus bridge. What's further frustrating is that the total cost of the project to restore the unused bridge actually exceeds the town's entire annual highway budget.

"Infrastructure is one area we should be investing in," continued Reed. "And while much of America's bridge and highway infrastructure needs updating or replacement, it is critical that federal resources be spent wisely. Careful investment in our vital transportation infrastructure will allow us to remain competitive in the global economy but this is not an example of careful investment."

Last year, Reed began an initiative to spotlight taxpayer dollars being frittered away by federal agencies. The program has highlighted more than $14,770,924,000 of wasteful spending thus far.
