McCaul, Hudson Applaud Policy Easing Airport Screening for Wounded Warriors

Press Release

U.S. House Homeland Security Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-Texas) and Transportation Security Subcommittee Chairman Richard Hudson (R-N.C.) today applauded the Transportation Security Administration's (TSA) decision to offer less-invasive screening to members of the military who have sustained severe combat-related injuries.

Effective today, Wounded Warriors can keep their shoes, light jackets and hats on when undergoing screening at airport checkpoints, provided they contact TSA in advance of traveling. This update builds upon other changes promoted by the Homeland Security Committee, including H.R. 1801, the "Risk-Based Security Screening for Members of the Armed Forces Act," which requires TSA to provide expedited screening to active duty military traveling on official orders. President Obama signed H.R. 1801 into law in January 2012.

Chairman McCaul: "The Committee on Homeland Security has long advocated for less onerous airport screening for our men and women in uniform. I am pleased that TSA is finally implementing this common-sense policy that will ease airport access for our Wounded Warriors. These heroes have made a tremendous sacrifice for our nation and deserve the least cumbersome screening process we can provide. Not only will this change help to simplify their passage through airports, it will also free up TSA screeners to focus on real threats to our aviation systems. This is a positive step for our soldiers, military personnel, veterans and ultimately our transportation and national security."

Subcommittee Chairman Hudson: "I'm pleased to see TSA making progress on implementing risk-based security techniques, and I particularly applaud this common-sense policy that ensures our wounded veterans receive the very best treatment as they travel. We owe a great deal to our men and women in uniform; the least we can do is ensure they are treated with the highest dignity and respect."
