Rooney: House Plan Balances Budget, Grows Economy, Saves Medicare


Date: March 21, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Tom Rooney (FL-17) issued the following statement after the House of Representatives passed the "Path to Prosperity" budget resolution:

"When the President and Congressional Democrats talk about a "balanced' budget, they mean one that increases taxes by a trillion dollars but never -- ever -- balances. When I talk about a balanced budget, and when my constituents say they want a balanced budget, we mean one that tells Washington to stop spending money it doesn't have.

"Our country borrows $3.8 billion every day, mortgaging our future and hamstringing our economy today. We can get our economy moving again, put Americans back to work, and ensure a bright future for our children by getting our fiscal house in order. House Republicans have put forward a responsible budget that cuts waste, saves Medicare and Social Security, grows the economy through common sense tax reform, and balances within the decade.

"The other side will demagogue the issues of Medicare and Social Security, but we should be absolutely clear -- the greatest threat to the future of these vital programs is the status quo. The plan put forward by the President and Congressional Democrats -- which is to do nothing -- guarantees that these programs will simply not exist for future generations. Our budget preserves current benefits for current seniors and everyone 55 and older, while offering future retirees a choice: they can enter traditional Medicare, or choose between competing, free market plans -- like members of Congress do -- and receive premium support to offset the cost. By forcing insurance companies to compete for your business, we can bring down costs, improve health care quality and strengthen Medicare for generations."
