Hearing of the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee - Management Issues at Departments of Transportation and Housing and Urban Development


Date: March 14, 2013
Location: Washington, DC

The Subcommittee will come to order.

Today we welcome:
HUD's Inspector General, David Montoya
DOT's Inspector General, Calvin L. Scovel
Mathew Scire, GAO's Director for Financial Markets and Community Investment
Phillip Herr, GAO's Director for Physical Infrastructure

This subcommittee looks to your offices to help us conduct critical oversight to ensure our tax dollars are well spent and actually go to meet our nation's housing and transportation needs. This oversight is even more important in a time when we must shrink the federal budget and deal with our mounting debt. Waste, fraud, and abuse should never be tolerated, but this is especially true in today's budget climate.
We look forward to your testimony and will look closely at your work as we make the tough decisions that will be required as we put together this year's Transportation-HUD funding bill.

This is our first subcommittee hearing for FY 2014, so we will look to your testimony to inform our questions for our cabinet secretaries.

I would ask that each of you limit your opening remarks to five minutes, and we will also limit each round of questions to five minutes.

Before I recognize each of you for your opening statements, I'm pleased to welcome Mr. Pastor as the new ranking member of this subcommittee. I look forward to working with you in the bipartisan tradition of this subcommittee to fund some of our nation's most critical infrastructure investments, with an eye toward stewardship of taxpayer's dollars.

Mr. Pastor, I am honored to recognize you for your opening remarks.
