Concurrent Resolution on the Budget for Fiscal Year 2014

Floor Speech


Mr. HUELSKAMP. Mr. Chairman, I appreciate the opportunity to visit with you today. And it's very interesting as we sit here and discuss the balanced approach.

How do you have a balanced approach, Mr. Chairman, if you can't have a balanced budget?

There are two different visions here. You either trust the people in Washington who have given us $16.7 trillion of debt, or you trust the American people.

What the RSC budget does is trust the American people with their money by taking back the big tax increase that was given to us in January, by taking away the big ObamaCare controls that were given to us in 2010, and actually returns that power to the States and to the people, and actually balances the budget in 4 years.

This is real progress. This is a returning to what the American people demand. And what we need to create growth and prosperity in America is to pass these types of budgets.

