Bill Johnson Fights for America's Veterans


Date: Feb. 28, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Veterans

Rep. Bill Johnson (R-Marietta) released the following statement today after introducing -- H.R. 894 - the Veterans Fiduciary Reform Act of 2013 -- important legislation that would protect America's veterans from fiduciary fraud.

"The Veterans Fiduciary Reform Act of 2013 is important legislation that protects America's veterans from fiduciary fraud. Today, the VA appoints financial care managers, fiduciaries, to help those veterans who are not able to manage their own finances. Right now, there is little to no accountability within the VA when it comes to appointing fiduciaries. Veterans who have fought and sacrificed to defend America are struggling to fight for themselves, and they should not have to fight fraud, waste, and abuse by VA appointed fiduciaries. Oftentimes, fiduciaries are unqualified to manage their own finances, let alone manage the finances of multiple veterans," said Bill Johnson.

Johnson added, "By requiring background checks, credit checks, and face to face interviews before a person is appointed as a veteran's fiduciary, this legislation will ensure that the welfare of the veteran is the primary concern when the VA appoints someone to help manage their finances. Additionally, it will allow veterans to ask for a different fiduciary if veterans feel they are not being properly served. Protecting those who have so valiantly sacrificed so much for us is a top priority of mine, and as a 26 year Air Force veteran, I will continue fighting to protect America's heroes - our veterans. This legislation is an important step forward to making that happen."
