The Federal Wind Production Tax Credit

Floor Speech

Ms. McCOLLUM. Mr. Speaker, the American people expect Congress to go to work, to create jobs and grow our economy. We all heard that message loud and clear in last week's election.

We have an opportunity to save 75,000 American jobs right now by extending the wind production tax credit. In Minnesota, this tax credit helped create an entire industry, employs thousands of people from construction workers to high-tech analysts, and all of these jobs now, well, they're under threat.

The St. Paul Pioneer Press ran a story last week, entitled, ``Wind-energy jobs falling off as tax credit set to expire.'' Minnesota companies are now being forced to lay off workers because the House has failed to act.

Last quarter there was not one new single wind project announced in America because of the uncertainty of the tax credit. This is unacceptable and is completely avoidable.

There is strong bipartisan support for extending this credit. Congress cannot wait until December 31. I urge Congress to pass the wind production energy tax credit.
