Larsen Statement on Vote for National Defense Authorization Act


Date: Dec. 20, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Rick Larsen, WA-02, today voted for the National Defense Authorization Act of 2013. Larsen, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, opposed the original House version of this bill in May. The bill passed by the House today reflects a compromise agreement between the House and Senate. Larsen served on the Conference Committee that negotiated the final bill. The bill includes several provisions authored by Larsen to help small businesses and schools in Northwest Washington.

"While not perfect, this bill meets the needs of our armed forces while eliminating several pieces of bad policy set forth in earlier versions," Larsen said. "I commend Rep. Adam Smith for his leadership in improving this bill.

"This bill removes irresponsible provisions that would have required U.S. combat troops to remain in Afghanistan until 2016. Instead this bill stresses that the United States should end its combat operations in that country by 2014. While I continue to believe the United States can end its combat operations in Afghanistan earlier than 2014, I am pleased that this bill keeps our troop withdrawal on schedule.

"This bill makes it clear those detained on U.S. soil are assured the right of trial. While this language is not as strong as the amendment I supported by Rep. Smith which would have also eliminated mandatory military detention for terrorist suspects, it is a step in the right direction. We must remember that the civil liberties afforded to us by the Constitution do not make us weaker--they make us stronger. We must restore faith in our judicial process and show the world that our values stand strong in the face of those who would try to attack us.

"The bill includes several provisions reflecting the bipartisan work I did on a panel designed to resolve challenges that small businesses face when contracting with the Department of Defense. These provisions will make it easier for small businesses to access defense dollars and will encourage the Defense Department to make use of the innovative abilities of small businesses.

"My successful effort to include the text of my bill, the Impact Aid Timely Repayments Act, will help school districts in Northwest Washington and across the country serve their students. Too often schools must wait years before receiving the federal funds they are due. This bill will change that, helping school districts like Oak Harbor, Marysville and La Conner.

"I am pleased this bill includes the Shaheen amendment which allows female service members and dependents of servicemembers access to reproductive care, including abortions, in the event of rape or incest. Those covered by military health care should have the same health care options that others do in the case of such crimes. Furthermore this bill requires the Department of Defense to strengthen protections against sexual assault within the Armed Services.

"The inclusion of a so-called "conscience clause' is inappropriate, and Congress should work to eliminate this unnecessary and wrong amendment. Discrimination has no place in the military, and no law should protect those who would seek to discriminate against their gay and lesbian colleagues.

"The bill appropriately strengthens sanctions on Iran, which will serve to further cripple the Iranian regime that threatens the United States and infringe the human rights of its own citizens.

"I am pleased the final version of this bill significantly weakens misguided provisions that would require the reintroduction of tactical nuclear weapons on the Korean Peninsula. Democrats were also successful in preventing attempts to weaken health and safety standards at our national nuclear laboratories and production facilities.

"The bill inappropriately authorizes defense spending at more than $5 billion over the spending caps that Congress set forth in the Budget Control Act. If Congress is serious about cutting the deficit, then we need to hold to the spending limits that we agreed to."
