Issue Position: Jobs

Issue Position

The Second District of Illinois has suffered disproportionately compared to other districts, urban, suburban, or rural. The crisis is one that spans all races, income levels, or professions--and its impact has been felt both economically and emotionally.

If we are to rebuild our community, break the Machine's hold on our politicians and our people, we need to become independent. That means achieving a sense of self-worth by holding down employment, contributing to the economy, and becoming self-sufficient.

That begins by breaking the Machine, which corruptly hands out contracts based on corrupt measures rather than competitive bidding, and favors cronies over the community.

The economy grows when hard work is rewarded, not when people see unfair allocation of jobs based on membership in a union outside the community.

Small businesses need to be encouraged to open or stay in business, not have the federal and local government impose a corrupt tax burden on them that forces them to lay off employees or move on.

There should be no corrupt handouts for the Second District, but a clear and level playing field where our natural desire to work and contribute to our own future's is encouraged, not prohibited, by the government. We need a playing field that allows everyone to work and prosper.
