Missouri News Horizon - Blunt Weighs in on Inauguration, Universal Background Checks

News Article

Date: Jan. 21, 2013
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Guns

By Unknown

It looks like President Obama is throwing down the gauntlet to Congress for his second term.

Experts on the inaugural speeches say Obama's address Monday was unusually frank and combative. Senator Roy Blunt says that shouldn't be a surprise.

"Remember, the President said during the campaign that you can't solve problems from inside Washington. There's only one guy that can actually lead in Washington in a way that can find a solution to big problems, and that's the president."

Blunt was on Fox News Sunday (watch here) over the weekend. He says Obama does not have a popular mandate and will have to work with Republicans and Democrats to move a legislative agenda forward.

"He likes the executive order approach a whole lot better than the legislative approach, and you really can't get all that far with executive orders. You've got to legislate, and you've got to legislate realistically."

When asked about universal background checks, and who is buying the guns, Blunt says, "The one thing I don't think you want to prevent is two guys living next door to each other deciding they want to trade shot guns while they're talking about going hunting next week."
