

Date: Jan. 1, 2013
Location: Woodbridge, New Jersey

Senator Vitale is at the forefront of addressing the many issues facing the people of New Jersey.
For example he is a leading advocate of providing comprehensive prescription drug benefits for the State's seniors and disabled individuals. "Medicare Part D is broken." says Vitale.

The coverage gap that most participants will be facing - the so-called 'donut hole' - is an inherent flaw in the system that threatens the health and well-being of our seniors and will ultimately cost taxpayers more to provide care to people covered by Medicare.
Comprehensive prescription drug coverage, just like coverage for preventative care, serves a means of reducing health care costs for everyone, as it provides a relatively low cost alternative to extensive hospital stays. By limiting benefits in the way Part D does, it discourages seniors from following their doctors' orders and filling all prescriptions.
"It's been shown that capping prescription drug benefits decreases life spans and costs insurance providers more money in the end," Vitale points out. "Congress needs to rethink this short-sighted design and work to fix the flaws in the system before too many more seniors are harmed both financially and medically."
