Statement from Gov. Nikki Haley on the Process of Filling U.S. Senate Vacancy


Date: Dec. 10, 2012
Location: Columbia, SC

Governor Nikki Haley today released the following statement regarding the process of filling the vacancy created by U.S. Senator Jim DeMint's retirement:

"As I continue to consider the impending U.S. Senate vacancy, many have discussed the possibility of a "placeholder' appointee who would pledge to serve for only two years and not seek election to the seat in 2014. While there are some good arguments in favor of that approach, I believe the better case is against it.

"I do not want to tie the next U.S. Senator from South Carolina's hands regarding future office. I do not want to deprive our state's citizens of the chance to render their judgment on the appointee's performance by way of their vote. Most importantly, while I am an avid supporter of term limits, I do not want the effectiveness of our state's new U.S. Senator to be undermined by the fact that he or she will automatically be leaving the office such a very short time after assuming it.

"I believe South Carolina will be best served by a U.S. Senator who will work hard day in and day out, and put him or herself before the voters at the soonest possible time. Accordingly, I reject the option of a "placeholder.'"
