The Rigell Report


Dear Friend,

When you sent me to Washington to represent you and your family, I committed to change Congress, not let Congress change me. In order to accomplish this goal, I decided to lead by example. Here are some of the ways I am fulfilling that commitment to you:

Reduced spending: gave back nearly $50,000 of my own salary to pay down the deficit, cut my office budget to 2008 levels, and declined all federal benefits;
Co-founded the Fix Congress Now Caucus, a bipartisan group of Representatives dedicated to reforming Congress so we are able to fully meet the deep obligation to our fellow Americans;
Made Congress accountable by linking its pay to its performance by introducing the Lead by Example Act, and cosponsoring and advocating for the bipartisan, bicameral No Budget, No Pay Act;
Committed to not meet with lobbyists who are former Members of Congress in order to end the "revolving door" that encourages unfair lobbyist influence;
Put in place a self-imposed term limit: no more than six terms in the U.S. House of Representatives.

As a young Marine at Parris Island, I knew that there was nothing those drill instructors asked us to do that they did not first do themselves. That is leadership by example and it is desperately needed here in Washington.

Mindful that I work for you, I remain

Yours in Freedom,

