Ellison Should Condemn the Race-Related Comments Made by CBC Chair


Date: Sept. 26, 2012

America is at a crossroads. This is the time for us to choose leaders and representatives that understand our problems and who can work together. We must craft sustainable solutions for our economy that lead to prosperity for all. I believe we can get there with a commitment to shared sacrifice for the common good.

We cannot get there with leaders and representatives who put their own ideology ahead of our common cause, who cling to their prejudices and who put race based loyalties and misguided political agendas ahead of their sworn duty to serve.

Congressman Keith Ellison is someone who is guilty of all of the above. As a result he is incapable of joining any effort that unites Americans and leads us to a better future.

Below is an excerpt from The Root, a political blog, interview with Rep. Emmanuel Cleaver who is the Chair of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC).

TR: Do you think given the current unemployment numbers in the black community--combined with Gov. Mitt Romney still polling at zero percent among black voters--does the black community give President Obama a pass because he's black?

EC: Well, I'm supposed to say he doesn't get a pass, but I'm not going to say that. Look, as the chair of the Black Caucus I've got to tell you, we are always hesitant to criticize the president. With 14 percent [black] unemployment (PDF) if we had a white president we'd be marching around the White House. However, I [also] don't think the Irish would do that to the first Irish president or Jews would do that to the first Jewish president; but we're human and we have a sense of pride about the president. The president knows we are going to act in deference to him in a way we wouldn't to someone white.

These remarks are disgusting. Congressman Keith Ellison, himself a member of the CBC, issued no statement condemning Cleaver's remarks. He did not distance himself from these remarks, because he believes them as well.

Congressman Ellison and many members of the CBC have lost their way and have placed their pride ahead of the people they were sworn to serve.

This election will not be about jobs and the economy so long as we have career politicians like Congressman Keith Ellison who neither tell us the truth nor admit the truth.

Congressman Keith Ellison is clearly too small for this moment. He is unable to rise up in order to meet the big challenges we face today.

If elected I will put America first. My first loyalty will be to the American people. I will not allow anyone to get a pass because of his or her skin color, political party or any other commonality. Believing that everyone must play by the same rules means everyone must play by the same rules. In order for all Americans to have a fair shot we must have an economic system that is strong and a political system that is not rigged.

Just as each man must be judged by the content of their character, each policy must be supported or rejected based on its merits; and not based on the color or political ideology of the author.

Throughout the course of our history Americans have given their lives for our future. We can live up to their expectations when we Come Together.
