Issue Position: Fracking, Energy, and the Environment

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Deb is opposed to hydraulic fracturing ("fracking") being used in North Carolina.

We must protect the environment while keeping our district attractive to business. Clean air and water are important to all of us. We are in an area with frequent, and sometimes severe, droughts. We are a large producer of agricultural products. We cannot make our water supply vulnerable to the uncertainties of fracking.

Fracking requires disposal of substantial quantities of polluted water. Deb is very concerned about the possible contamination of our ground water through this disposal, especially in an area where so many depend on wells for their water.

There are no certain benefits to allowing fracking in Chatham and Lee Counties, and the risks are clear. We must not allow our citizens' health, our property values, or our quality of life to be set aside for the sake of corporate interests.
