It's About Main Street, Not Wall Street


Date: Oct. 5, 2012

When our nation was at the brink of economic crisis, bureaucrats bailed out not Main Street, but many of the same individuals responsible for putting us in economic peril. The working folks who made the right decisions and paid their bills on time and didn't ask for a hand out were left behind to foot the bill. I don't support any part of Wall Street relief, and especially not while Main Street suffers.

We need a federal government that plays by the same rules that our families and small businesses do. I do not believe that the ideas of a balanced budget should be as impossible as so many in Washington would have you believe. You spend what you need, and you save the rest. You invest safely and soundly in order to leave something behind for your children and grandchildren. I believe that this is one of the most vital aspects of the American Dream, and I believe our nation should do the same.
