Do-Nothing Congress

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 21, 2012
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Taxes


Mr. TONKO. Thank you, Minority Whip Hoyer. You have led us so expertly well on this floor.

You cite the many failings of this do-nothing Republican Congress. It is tragic that we will leave for home now and not get the work of the people done and will not respond to the needs of America. That is such an unjust outcome.

We know that a middle class tax cut has been passed in the Senate and that the President has said he would sign it. We need that measure. We need that measure done so as to provide for confidence in the American economy. What we need right now is that sort of boost. That booster shot can do a lot for growing sales for businesses out there. The aggregate demand for goods and services, driven by relief for the middle class via a tax cut, is important. The Violence Against Women Act that was reauthorized in the Senate failed to come to this floor. Postal reform--overwhelmingly approved by the Senate--fails to come to this floor. There is also the farm bill, which is important to all of upstate New York, and I know our members from the upstate delegation, from the New York delegation, are greatly disturbed by the do-nothing Republican Congress.

Minority Whip Hoyer, thank you for leading us in this discussion. We have not earned a 6-week recess until election day without having done the people's business. We need to stay here and get the people's work done--build America's economy, go forward with progress--and provide for the results that America so desperately needs. It's a shame that this do-nothing Republican Congress has now called a halt to all business on this floor for the next several weeks.

