Issue Position: Building a Smarter Foreign Policy

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

The best Americans I know are the ones in uniform who serve to protect us. They deserve a foreign policy worthy of their sacrifice.

From my years overseas, living and working in the Middle East, I've seen firsthand the consequences of misguided foreign policy decisions in Iraq and Afghanistan. It's time to leave Afghanistan and start building a smarter foreign policy that protects America's interests without entering into costly and poorly planned wars.

Over the past decade, our troops have been asked to bear tremendous burdens. Along with the wounds of battle, suicides, divorces, and PTSD are far too common. We need to do a better job of taking care of our military families and our returning veterans.

I stand for a foreign policy that is credible, affordable, and constitutional. That means:

1. Ending the War in Afghanistan and bringing the troops home. Fighting a costly war in the most remote region in the world isn't making Americans any safer.
2. America loses credibility when we over-promise and under-deliver. The world is safer when our allies--and our adversaries--know where we stand on protecting our vital interests.
3. Improving the expeditionary capability of our diplomatic corps and our civilian agencies. The civilian components of our foreign policy need to be better prepared to operate in dangerous places around the world.
4. De-politicize our procurement process. Let's change the way petty Beltway politics influences Pentagon decisions, running up costs and putting deal-making before supporting our troops.
5. Bring the Constitution back into our foreign policy. Our republic stands or falls on whether we respect our system of checks and balances. The use of force abroad must be properly authorized.

Cantwell has shown a constant lack of leadership when it comes to foreign policy. Cantwell pantomimes opposition to these poorly planned wars, but has a voting record that tells a different story: she voted to expand the war in Afghanistan and for a misguided "surge' in support of democracy-building strategy in one of the most corrupt and remote countries in the world.

With tensions in the Middle East on the rise -- anti-American protests, relations with Iran, civil war in Syria -- we need a Senator who will lead America to a smarter, more responsible foreign policy.

Cantwell can't, but you and I will.
