Issue Position: Balance the Budget

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Our legislators in Washington have been spending with wild abandon, during the first six years of the Bush administration, the President did not veto a single spending bill while the Republicans controlled Congress. When the Democrats took control the spending problem got much worse. As a result, this country has amassed a huge national debt which must be paid off, so that we will not be held hostage by the foreign countries who hold our notes.

The people of this country that elect legislators, who continue to spend in this fashion, are part of the problem. This means you. As a voter, you have a responsibility to replace elected officials who do not control spending. The money being spent is not free money. It is your money, and you ( the American Taxpayer ), are going to have to pay the bill.

You, the voter, must recognize that the responsibility, for the current mess in our government, rests with you. If you vote for people who continue the deficit spending, you are part of the problem. If you don't vote, you are part of the problem.

We must stop mortgaging our children and grand children's future. We must force our elected representatives to balance the budget, and pay off the debt.

A balanced budget is an essential first step. To balance the budget it will be necessary to replace the current politicians in Washington. If you as a voter continue to vote for Republicans or Democrats, you will have politicians who use all available revenue ( from both taxes and borrowing ) to pay for pork barrel projects. The concepts in my book " A Call for Action" can be used to set up a debt elimination trust. We do have enough assets so that we can pay off the debt. First we must balance the budget end end pork barrel spending. This can and must be done without raising taxes or imposing new taxes. The problem is spending too much, not a lack of revenue.
