US Unemployment Drops as People Stop Looking for Work


Date: Sept. 13, 2012
Location: Traverse City, MI

Dr. Dan Benishek, today, issued the following statement in response to the US unemployment rate for August, which went from 8.3 to 8.1 percent, largely due to people who have given up looking for work according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

"Under the failed leadership of the Democrats in Washington, I have come to dread the first Friday of every month and the jobs reports that come with it. Instead of the monthly jobs reports providing hope and the promise that tomorrow things will be better they have come to embodied the failed big government policies that are supported by my opponent and his Washington allies.

"For the past three months manufacturing in America has shrunk, jobs are being cut and people have become so discouraged that they have given up looking for work. Four years after the start of the recession, things are not looking up. This recovery has taken too long and it is due to the failed policy of career politicians like Gary McDowell and his Washington allies. What our country needs are common sense solutions that encourage job growth--not policies that hurt job creators. We need to put a stop to the over-regulation, bring certainty to the tax code and repeal and replace the President's healthcare law. These simple solutions will put our country back on the right track and dig us out of this recession."
