Murphy Calls on GOP House to Take Up and Pass Bipartisan VAWA Bill


Date: Sept. 27, 2012

Today, Congressman Chris Murphy released the following statement calling on House Republican leadership to take up and pass the bipartisan, inclusive Violence Against Women Act that passed the Senate in April by a vote of 68-31 and has languished in the Republican-led House since. Murphy's call for House action comes days after the 18-year anniversary of President Clinton signing the original Violence Against Women Act into law.

"It is truly shameful that House Republicans are turning violence against women into a partisan issue. I call on House Republicans to take up and pass the bipartisan Senate Violence Against Women Act before they adjourn and force women across America to wait until after the election to get the protection and support they deserve. It would truly be a disgrace if the Republican leadership decides to let the bipartisan Senate bill languish for even longer. This bill would prevent more women from being attacked, it would provide more resources to support those that are, and it has strong bipartisan support. Protecting more women from violence can't wait."
