Issue Position: I Believe...

Issue Position

Democrat ;> a believer in democracy. One who treats all others as equals.[Webster definition]

I believe in Democracy

This legislature working with Oakland County officials who feared losing their partisan majority helped craft legislation changing the rules after the fact thus ignoring the voter's choice and subverted Democracy.

I believe in Public Schools

This legislature cut public school funding and has attacked teacher benefits while expanding charter schools thus sending more tax money to private for profit schools. Voters in this state said no to school vouchers.

I believe in fair taxes for all

This legislature called for "shared sacrifice" in a tax increase that taxed some heavily and others not at all while giving business a huge tax cut. They voted for a big tax increase before they voted for a small tax cut.

I fought City Hall and I won

I am not a Politician. I am an average citizen, a union carpenter [retired]. But when the City Council wasted $10,000 seeking to build a golf course the people did not want I led a grass roots group to place the issue before the voters. We not only stopped an unwanted golf course but a new Mayor and 2 new Council members were elected. With your help we can fight this legislature and we will win.

Democrats believe We're In this TOGETHER = WIT

Together we can use our collective WIT to move us all Forward.

Republicans have a You're On Your Own philosophy = YOYO!

I believe in and support Unions

My father came to Michigan from his home in Georgia before I was born. He came here looking for work and decided to stay because of the union pay and benefits and raised me and my 5 siblings here. I am running for office as a way to give back to the State and Unions that have been so good to me and my family. I will work to defend them as they are under attack by special interest.

I believe in and will promote Made in USA

I give preference to products made in USA on all my personal purchases. I believe all products purchased with tax dollars should be made in the USA and Michigan when possible and services contracted should be with Michigan based companies.

I believe in and will fight for Social Security

This is the most successful government program we have and we must all join the fight to protect it from those who seek to weaken and destroy it.
