Remembering the Victims of 9/11, Lowering Flags in their Honor


Date: Sept. 10, 2012

"Eleven years have passed since the unthinkable terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, shook our Nation and changed our world. The wounds of that tragic day remain fresh, especially for the friends and family members of the nearly 3,000 innocent men and women who lost their lives at the World Trade Center, Pentagon or the field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania, where Flight 93 was lost.

"On this day, let us pay tribute to the victims of 9/11 - including the hundreds of first responders who lost their lives in a desperate bid to save people they'd never met. Let us pray for the loved ones they left behind, as well as the members of our U.S. military and intelligence agencies who devote themselves to preventing future acts of terror against Americans.

"But let us also be grateful, as there is much reason for hope. Patriotism and individual liberty still burn brightly across this land. Respect for Americans of all religious faiths has not faltered. A new tower rises near Ground Zero.

"Far from defeating us, the blow of 9/11 has only buoyed our Nation and strengthened our resolve. Eleven years later, perhaps this is the most fitting tribute that could be offered to the victims of that day.

"In accordance with Executive Order 2010-18, I have ordered that flags be flown at half-staff at all public buildings from sunrise until sunset on Tuesday, September 11, 2012. I encourage Arizonans to join in this tribute as we honor the heroes and remember the victims of 9/11."
