Honoring the 11th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

Floor Speech

Date: Sept. 11, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. BENISHEK. Mr. Speaker, I wish to recognize the 11th anniversary of the September 11 attacks to commemorate those who perished as well as the first responders, volunteers and bystanders who acted so valiantly on that day we will never forget.

Eleven years later, the events of that tragic day are still vivid. It was a day marked by fire and ash. By dust and smoke. By tears and sorrow. But it was also a day that showed the world what type of people call America home.
While we witnessed the great evil which man is capable of producing, we also saw the great heroism and good nature of America's citizens. It showed the selflessness of our first responders who rushed into burning buildings to save the lives of people they never even met, or the countless people, including residents of Northern Michigan, who stood in long lines to give their own blood or donate their time or materials to rescue workers and the recovery effort.

There were certainly countless other acts of heroism and bravery on that day that the world will never know. Terrorists may have been able to knock down our biggest buildings, but they have never been able to diminish the kindness and generosity that the American people and millions of our neighbors around the globe have in our hearts. On that sad day, residents from all corners of our country reaffirmed what it means to be an American united with our neighbors across this vast land. It is my hope that all Americans can continue to represent the spirit of those who perished through our actions and conduct towards one another.

On behalf of the citizens of Michigan's First Congressional District, I wish to recognize the extraordinary actions of ordinary Americans on that fateful day and express my condolences for those who were lost on September 11, as well as those who lost their lives in the military conflicts that stemmed from this attack. Their heroism and sacrifices will never be forgotten.
