Gingrey: Romney Energy Plan "Paramount" to Economic Prosperity, National Security


Date: Aug. 23, 2012

Rep. Gingrey released this statement today in response to the unveiling of Gov. Romney's energy independence strategy:

Achieving energy independence is paramount to restoring economic prosperity and ensuring national security, and Gov. Romney today put forth a framework that allows the United States to meet this priority. By removing regulatory handcuffs on energy producers, allowing states more control of their resources, and approving projects such as the Keystone XL Pipeline, Gov. Romney's strategy will create jobs, lower prices at the pump, and loosen the stranglehold that foreign nations and the OPEC cartel has on our country.

Gov. Romney's "all of the above" plan is a common-sense approach to developing traditional and emerging energy resources, including approval of more nuclear facilities like Plant Vogtle in Georgia. Unlike the Obama administration, which favors taxpayer-funded failures like Solyndra to privately-funded projects like the Keystone Pipeline, Romney's plan does not pick winners and losers.

President Obama pledged he would not "cede the wind or solar or battery industry to China or Germany because we refuse to make the same commitment [to clean energy]." Gov. Romney's plan demonstrates he will not cede any energy industry--traditional or green--to our global competitors.
