Shelley Berkley Issues Labor Day Statement


Date: Sept. 4, 2012
Location: Las Vegas, NV

Today, U.S. Senate candidate Shelley Berkley issued the following statement on Labor Day:

"As we celebrate this Labor Day, I'm reminded once again of why I'm running for the United States Senate. Nevada's middle-class families need someone fighting for them -- not the big guys on Wall Street and in Washington. We need leaders who are committed to creating good paying jobs that can't be outsourced and making Nevada the clean energy jobs capital of America. Unfortunately, all we get from out-of-touch politicians like Senator Dean Heller, Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are more tax breaks for corporations that ship American jobs overseas and more attempts to end Medicare by turning it over to private insurance companies. The Heller-Ryan-Romney approach of standing up for Wall Street special interests at the expense of middle-class families is just the wrong approach for Nevada."
