Issue Positions: Overview

Issue Position

Our Representative - Taking Tough Stands and Looking out for US:
Americans First rather than Special Interests

Being the father of 7 year old triplets, I fully understand that my job as a member of the House of Representatives is to watch out for the well being, prosperity, and safety of the American people, especially those I represent here in Orange County.

It's vital the U.S. has policies that promote economic growth and job creation. For that reason, I've been stalwart in my support for lower taxes, cutting federal spending and reducing burdensome regulations. I'm proud of the top ratings I've received from organizations like Citizens Against Government Waste and the National Taxpayers Union.

I've also been recognized for my leadership in shaping America's Space Program and for strongly opposing Amnesty and government benefits to illegal immigrants. Our scarce resources and jobs should go to Americans.

We can no longer afford to send our troops all over the world to fight other people's battles. Instead, we should, as Ronald Reagan taught us, support the enemy of our enemies. While I believe in maintaining a strong arsenal and robust intelligence capabilities, there should be a rapid and total withdrawal of all U.S. ground forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Our security also depends on energy self sufficiency. That's why, as a senior member of the Science Committee, I support across the board private sector efforts to provide America with more and cleaner energy.

It is an honor and a privilege to serve as your Representative. I would appreciate receiving your vote.

Dana Rohrabacher
