Joe Coors Silence on Personhood and Reproductive Rights Deafening


Date: Aug. 20, 2012
Location: Wheat Ridge, CO
Issues: Abortion

While Joe Coors was hiding his support for the Personhood ballot initiative in Colorado, his fellow Republican candidate, U.S. Rep. Todd Akins in Missouri trivialized violence against women by saying "legitimate rape" rarely results in pregnancy. Even Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney repudiated Akins' remarks, but Joe Coors remains silent about his extreme views to ban all abortions even in cases of rape. In 2010, Coors funded the Personhood campaign with $1,000 that would have outlawed all abortions, even in cases of rape and when the life of the mother is in danger, as well as outlawed most common forms of contraception.

"Personal actions speak louder than words, and so far Joe Coors only seems to talk about issues when he buys TV commercials in prime time," said Perlmutter spokeswoman, Leslie Oliver. "Just two years ago, Joe Coors put his money and his mouth behind the campaign to outlaw abortion even in the cases of rape. Joe Coors clearly agrees with Vice Presidential candidate Paul Ryan and disgraced Congressman Akins who would deny women this choice at the federal level. Although actions speak louder than words, this issue demands hearing answers directly from Joe Coors. Does Joe Coors support Rep. Ryan's and Akin's plan (H.R. 3) that prevented federal Medicaid assistance for abortions including for statutory and "non-forcible" rape? Why won't Joe Coors condemn the recent "legitimate rape" remarks of Rep. Akins that even Mitt Romney criticized. Colorado voters, especially women voters, want answers directly from Joe Coors, not just TV commercials.

"Congressman Perlmutter thinks Rep. Akins remarks are offensive and extreme, and trivialize the violence and criminal actions committed against women. A woman's personal medical choices are decisions that need to be made between her and her doctor," said Oliver.
