Perlmutter: Women Should Make Their Own Medical

Press Release

Date: Aug. 29, 2012
Location: Wheat Ridge, CO
Issues: Women Abortion

In response to the announcement today that the "Personhood" initiative failed to make the November ballot, Ed Perlmutter, candidate for the 7th Congressional District, issued the following statement.

"This news is a victory for women today," Perlmutter said. "Government should not be involved in a woman's reproductive health decisions. We have real work we need to do to build our economy and put people back to work here in this country. These medical decisions should be between a woman and her doctor."
In contrast, Perlmutter's opponent, Joe Coors has a long history of supporting the extreme Personhood ballot initiatives. The 70-year old Republican is one of the most extreme anti-choice candidates running for Congress in 2012, and he supports more government involvement and control over women's important medical decisions.

"Regardless of this initiative appearing on the ballot, this doesn't change Joe Coors' extreme views and past funding and support for efforts to restrict a woman's ability to make her own medical decisions," said Perlmutter spokeswoman Leslie Oliver. "His views are more extreme than Reps. Todd Akin, VP candidate Paul Ryan and nearly every other Republican candidate, and Colorado voters know Joe Coors is wrong for Colorado."

Joe Coors History on Women's Health Issues:
In 2010, Joe Coors gave $1,000 to fund the Personhood initiative in Colorado, which would have banned all forms of abortion INCLUDING in cases of rape, incest and to protect the life of the mother.

In 2008, Joe Coors donated money to fund the Colorado Right to Life Committee which was the driving force and funder of the 2008 Personhood Initiative in Colorado. The 2008 language also banned all forms of abortion with no exceptions for rape, incest or to protect the life of the mother.

This initiative was so extreme that even the National Right to Life Committee rejected the efforts to pass a "personhood" amendment to the Constitution and disaffiliated itself from the Colorado Right to Life Committee.
