Issue Position: Energy Independence

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Ohio's 2nd District would greatly benefit from a reduction on foreign oil imports for America while also eliminating oil and gas company subsidies that total billions of dollars annually. I support increased use of domestic oil production while increasing research and development in renewable energy technology.

A marked increase in short-term domestic natural gas supply through expanded use of existing drill sites and exploring new shoreline drilling options is a common sense solution for a transitional time period.

In exchange, I urge elimination of any and all subsidies given to oil and gas companies. The increased domestic production will insure profitability while also increasing job opportunities for many people.

I support research and development of renewable energy alternatives for transportation. The increased use of electrical cars, solo person travel, and high speed rail are all efficient transportation options that eliminate the need for fossil fuels.

It is essential for continued U.S. global economic leadership to be leaders in the next generation of energy sources. This would help rebuild manufacturing job opportunities for Ohio's 2nd District while increasing our exports with foreign trade partners.
