Rep. Fattah: Right to Vote "Trumps All" and Must Be Restored on Appeal in Pennsylvania


Date: Aug. 15, 2012
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Congressman Chaka Fattah (D-PA-02) releases this statement concerning today's Pennsylvania Voter ID ruling in Commonwealth Court:

"The right to vote is our most precious right, and it trumps all others. That should be self-evident at this time in our history. But today's ruling in Commonwealth Court places this pre-eminent right at the mercy of unreasonable burdens on our senior citizens, our college students, on minorities, on those who don't have driver's licenses, and those who may have been born in another state where life-cycle record-keeping is, or was, unreliable. The plaintiffs, who recognize all these failings, will rightly and promptly appeal. A fair hearing in Pennsylvania's Supreme Court will restore full voting rights to hundreds of thousands of Pennsylvanians facing disenfranchisement."
