Stop the Tax Hikes

Floor Speech

Date: Aug. 1, 2012
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. SAM JOHNSON of Texas. Madam Speaker, let the countdown begin. Come January 1, the President and the Democrats plan to raise taxes on hardworking families and small business.

That's right. Instead of reining in their out-of-control spending, the President wants all Americans to hand over even more of their hard-earned money to the Federal Government. It's not smart to raise taxes ever, and certainly not in a struggling economy.

With 3 years of sky-high unemployment across the country, record-breaking deficits, and countless new rules and mandates coming from the White House, the solution is simple: Stop these job-killing tax hikes.

It's time to rewrite the Tax Code, work on pro-growth tax reform, and get this economy working again. Stop the Democrats' massive tax hikes to pay for their Big Government agenda. The American people want, need, and deserve better.
