Floor Speech

Mr. SHIMKUS. I have come down to the floor just to remind my colleagues and you, Mr. Speaker, that if you go to you will see a list of 25 bills that have been passed in this Chamber to do a couple of things: to boost competitiveness in the manufacturing sector; encouraging entrepreneurship in government; to help pay down our debt; and my favorite is maximizing American energy production. Yes, using American energy and our resources to create jobs, like the Keystone XL pipeline. We passed numerous bills to move the Keystone XL pipeline, 20,000 immediate jobs.

Mr. Speaker, you can go to to check the 25 different bills that we have passed in this Chamber. We have done our work. We will continue to do our work. Obviously, we need the other Chamber to be somewhat functional and at least consider these bills and then move to conference, which is how a bill becomes a law.
