Dr. Dan: "National Unemployment Rate is Too High"


Date: July 6, 2012
Location: Traverse City, MI

Dr. Dan Benishek released the following statement today regarding the disappointing US unemployment numbers for the month of June, which stagnated at 8..2 percent:

"Northern Michiganders are diligent hardworking people, unfortunately Washington continues to do little to help them and our local job creators. From the new healthcare law to job killing regulations; and from the constant threat of higher taxes to the continued uncertainty, America's small businesses are suffering the brunt of Washington's poor leadership and policy decisions. These bad policies are a direct effect of today's dismal jobs number.

"The American Dream is dependent on being self sufficient but the policies coming from President Obama do not promote those principles. I believe in the American Dream, it "s why I worked hard and became a doctor. Washington needs to work to ensure that the American Dream is a possibility for all by promoting pro-business policies. America's most valuable resource is our hardworking people, I want to see our resource used to its fullest potential and get Northern Michigan back to work."
