Issue Position: Jobs, Community Development, Economy

Issue Position

Upon graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Community Development, I landed a great job in the telecommunications industry. Working with cities, counties, and townships throughout Minnesota, I gained first-hand experience helping communities move into the 21st century. As a project coordinator, I helped manage project budgets vital to the success of the company I worked for.

Making Minnesota work will take a team effort. Small businesses in our communities often struggle with regulations, and have difficulty providing quality health insurance to their employees. In the St. Cloud area, many people must work two or three part-time jobs just to pay rent and keep food on the table, and often without receiving any employer benefits.

Together, we can make sure that our state works toward:

* Providing a competitive business environment that encourages innovation.
* Streamlining permitting processes and regulatory compliance reviews.
* Protecting workers' rights, workplace safety, and livable wages.
* Making sure our investments provide a good return on our transportation, telecommunication, and infrastructure upgrades.
* Promoting sustainable jobs that help Minnesota lead our nation in clean, renewable energy and manufacturing.
* Supporting efforts that prevent the outsourcing of jobs.
* Focusing on jobs instead of distracting and divisive constitutional amendments.
