Issue Position: Limit Government Spending and Taxes

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Debbie started her first term as a legislator in January, 2009. Since January 2009, Debbie voted and the Governor approved permanent spending reductions of $2.1 Billion. Some of the decisions were very painful, but it was something that had to be done. Just like in our homes, government must live within its means.

For the last two years, the legislature has grappled with looming deficits of more than $3.3 billion each year. This was caused by a combination of a poor economy and overspending when economic times were good. AZ state government spending grew by $3.7 billion from 2004 to 2009. When economic times were good, permanent spending programs were added, that we can no longer afford.

Debbie sponsored legislation to reduce welfare fraud and improve government transparency.

Self-initiative, hard work, and perseverance are what has made this nation grt, not reliance on government programs. Individuals and businesses can do a far better job at managing their own money than the government.

Government spending needs to be prioritized. Protecting our citizens and keeping them safe, should always be the top priority.

Debbie has long worked to limit government spending and taxes. Debbie served on the board of the Arizona Federation of Taxpayers, an organization that works to limit government spending and lower taxes.

Perhaps that is why Debbie has been named "Friend of the Taxpayer" by Americans for Prosperity and ranked in the top 10 State Representatives by the Goldwater Institute.
