Staten Island's Rep. Michael Grimm Calls on Gov. Cuomo to Negotiate Commercial Toll Relief


Date: July 27, 2012
Location: Staten Island, NY

Saying Staten Island can't wait another day for commercial toll relief on P.A. bridges, Rep. Michael Grimm today called on Gov. Andrew Cuomo to personally step in and expedite negotiations.

"It has become clear that the Port Authority will continue to use stall tactics to delay the release of the toll impact study on the NYCT and local businesses," Grimm said. "The people of Staten Island cannot wait any longer. With or without the study, it has become clear that if the current tolls remain, small businesses will begin to close, local jobs will be cut and the NYCT's 57 percent business loss will be impossible to replace."

"I implore Gov. Cuomo to take the lead on negotiations and immediately facilitate a resolution," added Grimm (R-Staten Island/Brooklyn). "Though I may not agree with him on every issue, the governor has taken great strides to address the economic obstacles confronting our state, and now Staten Island needs his leadership to reach a prompt agreement on commercial tolls."

"I will do whatever it takes to work with the governor, local and state officials to facilitate immediate relief from the toll hikes on commercial vehicles," said Grimm. "Staten Island's economy cannot afford the devastation that will undoubtedly hit if we fail to act quickly. The Port Authority's time has run out, and we must act now to reach a prompt agreement on commercial toll discounts."
