Issue Position: Jobs and Economic Recovery

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

I believe that investing in working families through education and effective job training is essential to economic recovery. I will support policies which make certain that well-paying jobs are created and stay in California so that families and small businesses can thrive and prosper. That's why I am supported by local small business leaders and the Los Angeles County Federation of Labor.

Small Businesses

As a former small-business owner, I know the importance of investing in small businesses. We need to help small businesses hire new workers, cut unnecessary red tape and get the loans they need to expand their businesses. I will work to make sure that local businesses and workers can compete for resources dedicated to green jobs, alternative energy and transportation projects.

Preparing students for 21st Century jobs

We need to improve at providing meaningful vocational and workplace training for our youth. Students need to graduate high school with strong academic and vocational skills and students who do not choose a college path need to be prepared to earn a living in our increasingly global and technological economy. Our public schools and community colleges must be full partners in building our future by offering job training, work experience, internship and mentoring programs.
