Red Tape Reduction and Small Business Job Creation Act

Floor Speech

Date: July 25, 2012
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. HURT. I thank the chairman for yielding, and I thank him for his leadership on this issue.

I rise today in support of this legislation that will save this country billions of dollars and create thousands of much-needed jobs.

Mr. Chairman, ``red tape'' is a word we hear all too

often in Washington, but when you get back to places like Danville, Virginia, and talk with the people who are stuck in it, you gain a new perspective on what Federal regulations mean to everyone outside of the beltway.

As the Federal Government continues to grow in size and scope, our Main Street businesses continue to struggle. The President tells us that the private sector is doing just fine. The President tells us that if you've got a business, you didn't build it. But the President has not told us how he plans to help our small business owners grow and create the jobs our local communities need.

Our Nation has faced over 8 percent unemployment for more than 3 years. We're being crushed under a rapidly accumulating $16 trillion debt, and both of these things have everything to do with the policies set forth in Washington that grow the Federal Government and strangle our Main Street businesses.

Where others will not lead, the House will. That's why we remain focused on adopting legislation like the bill we consider today, legislation that will remove the Federal Government as a barrier to job creation. This package of bills will lead us to responsible regulations and ensure that the economic impacts of Federal regulations are accounted for. Most importantly, it will give our small business owners across central and south Virginia the ability to hire and expand their businesses at a time when many are closing their doors.

This legislation is the kind this country needs to turn the corner from a struggling economy to the America that we have known for generations, a country of limited government and unlimited opportunity. I urge my colleagues to support this bill.

