Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2012

As the owner of a large health and wellness company (Promerica Health), I am uniquely aware and sensitive to the many challenges and opportunities specific to healthcare. Government, businesses and individuals all have a responsibility and roles in finding solutions to move us forward. While current legislation known as Obamacare (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act) is far from perfect, it represents a huge step forward in regard to addressing some immediate and critical gaps in our healthcare laws (pre-existing conditions, coverage for children under 26-years-old under parents insurance, preventive care, etc.) while creating a platform for further refinement.

For many decades, healthcare costs have risen at astronomical rates while basic services have been reduced and put out of reach for many Americans. Every single politician and government official since the 90's has recognized the growing healthcare crisis and until passage of PPACA in March, 2010, no one from either political party had passed any meaningful healthcare reform law in decades.


Too many political conflicts, too many lobbyists, too much corporate money perpetuating the status quo and too little concern for the lives and health of Americans. I support the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act not because it's perfect, but because I believe that it ultimately saves lives.

If elected to the United States Senate, I will work to improve our nation's healthcare situation by building on existing legislation or proposing new legislation as needed.
